Sunday, August 01, 2010

To go Mac or not to go Mac?

I have decided that I think I want to get a Mac............... My mom doesn't know this yet and I'm planning on asking for some of the funding for it for Christmas. Luckily, I don't think she reads my blog anymore. I'm not sure anyone reads my blog besides Melis and Cassie, not even my boyfriend!
Anyway, if you are reading, I'm very curious about what my Mac friends think about this. Should I get a regular Macbook or a Macbook Pro? The Pros are significantly more expensive, especially after adding all the other crap on that I think I need. So what do I really need? How many GHz, GB, MB , etc do I need?? What size screen should I get? I'm lost.
Maybe I should go to an Apple store....


C Mae said...

my boyfriend Rick has the MacBook Pro. I have the new just macbook. I LOVE MY MAC and have never looked back. My mac is going on 2 years old and it's like the day I took it out of the box. IT DOESNT SLOW. you don't get viruses. The programs, fonts are great. It's a great investment. Other than size of screen and different mouse/keypad features, I don't think there is to much of a difference between the two...hardrive space of course.

Jess said...

Thanks Cassie! Do you know how much photoshop for a Mac is? you have it right?