Thursday, November 04, 2010

Bob Dylan is still kickin.

Last Thursday I went to see Bob Dylan in concert in Ann Arbor with Chris. I'm assuming it was much different than when my parents saw him open for the Rolling Stones in the 70s. It was at the Hill Auditorium on campus which seemed like a very formal place. Everyone was sitting and no beverages were allowed. Some guy got pretty rowdy near the end and was standing in the front row of the second level we were on. He refused to sit down when security asked him to and ended up getting drug out by two cops. Literally. Which reminds me, I was going to search for that on youtube because people were videotaping. Which I thought ended up being much more of a distraction than him swaying back and forth in the front row. I was actually kind of appalled by it but these security men didn't mess around. No coffee, no photos, no fun. Just sitting.

And although I could only understand every 53rd word good old Bob sang, it was a good show and I'm glad I got to see the legend in action. I am impressed he can still sing for almost two hours in a row but at 69, it may be about time for him to hang up his cowboy hat. The man can still play a mean harmonica though....

I'm convinced if Chris grew out his hair a little, this would be him...

About what he looked like at our show....

All images via google except the last one which I took at the show. I soon after got scolded by a security man so I put my camera away because I didn't want to end up like the man who got drug out by his hands and legs.

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