Sunday, December 19, 2010

Car accident update...

It's been about 3.5 weeks and I ran out of Ibuprofen 800 about a week ago which I had taken constantly to help with the pain. Luckily I didn't take to the vicodin too well and haven't taken any of them since a few days after the accident. Ever since I ran out of Ibuprofen I have been up for about two hours every night with excruciating pain in my back, ribs and chest. The muscles under my ribs also spasm in the middle of the night. It hurts to sit up and lay down on either side and my back. I tried to lay flat on my back and do a sit up and I couldn't get up. It also hurts to take a deep breath and I feel like I'm going to pass out.

Soooo I went back to my doctor who said I had at least two ribs that were out of place. He explained that he would have to put them back in place. After he saw the look on my face he explained it wouldn't hurt. It didn't really, it basically just felt like cracking my back and I felt a lot better until I tried to sleep again that night. The two nights after that were worse and I thought it was maybe like working out and you just felt worse before you felt good but....

I had told my friend Meaghan all this who is in med school and her dads a doctor so she had him check me out tonight. He said I have multiple fractured ribs and when my doctor cracked me back into place it interrupted the healing and thats why i am hurting more. Fractured ribs also affect your breathing and can make you feel dizzy. They of course can't do anything for fractured ribs. I had a chest and back xray in the ER but multiple doctors have told me rib fractures cant always be seen. Meaghan also says muscles take an extremely long time to heal. Much longer than bones. So all the muscles in my body and chest around my sternum are still swollen and thats why I still have spasms and muscle pain. Dr. Howe said it would take 3 months to feel normal and 6 to be fully recovered. All i can do it take calcium to strengthen the bones and ibuprofen for pain.

I look forward to the days of sleeping and breathing well again! Oh and big giant hugs from Chris. Every time he hugs me now I wince in pain!


C Mae said...

Geez Jess I didn't know your accident was so didn't make it sound that way! And I thought I was having difficulty breathing from all my chest pain which is just from bronchitis and allergies/asthma! :(

Jess said...

Yea I really only talk about how serious it is with my parents and Chris and Meaghan. I also chipped 4 teeth and had to pay to get them all fixed. And my knee was pretty badly injured. I still cant feel the kneecap. My dad always tell people I almost got killed. I don't know if thats true but it could have been a lot worse so I don't like people to think I'm complaining or exagerating.

I also have asthma and allergies so I know how you feel!!! :)