Monday, December 13, 2010

Key....less :(

My family has gone to Florida every year for Christmas..... my WHOLE life. The last ten years it has been Key Largo. This year I cannot get off work and am not going. My parents regretfully decided to stay home with me and just leave in January..... cuz I'm an only child like that. Although I am super excited to have pretty much my first hopefully white christmas, this past week I am realizing how much I'm going to miss laying at the pool on Christmas and hanging out with some of my favorite peeps in the world. One of our first years down there Em and I met a group of people whose family's go there every year and we remain friends with most of them to this day!

I think I've been too busy to think about it.

I came across these pics of all of us way back in the day. Most from Em and I's college days in the keys.

I was probably a freshman in college here...

This pic is from last year.

I will of course miss seeing this as well....

Glad I got to spend a weekend there in October for my moms birthday, but I didn't get to see any of these people. After writing this I'm realizing just how much I will miss this yearly tradition!!!!

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