Sunday, January 09, 2011

RIP Great Uncle George

A great man passed away today, my Great Uncle George. He was 86. We found out he was diagnosed with bone cancer just a few days ago. I'm thankful he didn't have to suffer long. His health has been deteriorating for a few years.

My great aunt Jane, my grandmothers sister, and great uncle are my favorite. I have always admired them and hoped to have a relationship like they have had. They love and respect each other so much and have had such a great life together. They always kissed and hugged around us, even in their 80s. They are the cutest. I can't imagine her feeling of loss right now...
An old pic I found, I think at their trailer in Myrtle Beach we always went to in the 80s.

The last time I saw him in 2005. I'm really sad we didn't travel to see them more often. They lived in Winchester, VA where my dad is from until a few years ago they moved to NC with one of their children who takes care of them.

Still in great spirits, stolen from my dads cousin, taken just a few weeks ago!

You will be missed!

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