Wednesday, May 23, 2012


I have been so busy and stressed lately. I have 4 jobs. The main one being my photography business. The other three are part time, supplemental income. One of them ends tomorrow which I am beyond excited about. I need to focus more on my growing business and sanity. Anyway I haven't felt much like or had time for blogging. 

I have a really hard time balancing all of this and keeping a social life and relaxation time. The last two are non existent currently.  I am a workaholic. OY.

I thought I would just post a few things I've been up to. :) 

I tried one of the natural remedies for my face a month ago and it made me break out worse than ever. Then one night I discovered a line while surfing the web that is all natural but they put the ingredients together for you!!!  I did some research and ordered $100 worth of product that night. I am getting desperate. 
I was so excited for its arrival. I have a thing for packaging and this line did not disappoint. 
The little thing that looks like a block of cheese wrapped in a deli is my new face wash bar. I am OBSESSED with it and so far the whole line. They say it takes a few weeks for your skin to adjust to new products but I can already tell a difference with using this line. They have a store at the amazing mall in Baltimore and I can't wait to go there when I go back! 

Created some of my first official packaging for the business...

Had a creative and relaxing night including a photo shoot with the amazing flowers in our backyard in full bloom…

Bought the new John Mayer CD. Like went to the store the day it came out and bought it. He is one of the handful of artists I still do that for. Hadn't pre listened to it on Itunes or anything. I still haven't listened to the whole thing but he never disappoints me. I love all of his work and this is no different. Though it is slightly different for him and I am not feeling the mustache. 
But really you can do no wrong in my eyes JM. ;) It has a Bob Dylan/ Neil Young/ 70's feel to me. 

So there is a small glimpse into my crazy, insane life. 
OOOOH Also I am shooting a wedding in VIRGINIA in JUNE. Pee my pants excited. 

- JP 

1 comment:

C Mae said...

I am the SAME WAY although I haven't gotten his new cd yet!!! John Mayer, Michael Buble' Christina Aguilera, Alisha Keys are the last few artists that I have continually purchased their albums regardless of what others have said. Oh and of course Dave Matthews Band. :)