Sunday, July 31, 2011

This week has been insanely busy. House sitting for a friends family, long days at work, visiting Chris at the golf course and ending the week with my 10 year high school reunion last night. (That sounds so gross when I say it out loud)  

 I feel like I have't had time for any of my normal activities! 

I did however reach 100 "like" on my JPDesigns facebook page which was very exciting!

My dog friend for the week, Lexi! 

Putting the moustache flask to good use. 

Some highlights from the reunion! 
Only 11 people from our class showed up which was really disappointing but what can you do. 

What all of our tuition paid for. The new gym that was built AFTER I graduated. 

The library which Melanie kept saying I spent no time in. I reminded her I did have a few detentions in there. ;) 

We got to play in the new theatre room which was AWESOME.

Good times at the old NDA!

So glad this week is over though! Back to somewhat normal. July was a crazy month and I don't think August will be any different!

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