Thursday, December 22, 2011

December Challenge Day 22

I must admit that I do not have anything December or holiday like to post today. :( It is difficult to find things in Florida that are festive to photograph. People really don't decorate like they do up north! So this post will strictly be the beauty that was today. Sssssssh just go with it…. 

Day 22 - Key Largo in December :)


Jordan said...

JESS - beauty, YES. I loooove your choices. So simple. I'm not always a fan of the cold edits (you know, when the color appears more cold than warm), but I liked it here. I basically loved every single one. And now I will look again.

Jordan said...

oh my goodness I want that iguana thing.......and the chairs.....i love the chairs jess

Jess said...

Aaaaaaw thanks JAM!!!!!!!! You make me happy!!!