Saturday, December 03, 2011

December Challenge Day 3

Day 3 - One of my Christmas Trees.

This tree is in my parents living room and I added the gifts that are already under it and some of the other pretty decorations that are in the living room. I didn't get a picture of the whole tree mainly due to the fact that I'm obsessed with my 50mm. I am writing this blog really fast so I can get it posted by midnight so I don't mess up my challenge! It might be a little sloppy and unorganized but you will just have to deal with it today. ;)

 BAM just made it :)

1 comment:

Jordan said...

HAHAHA! You are a dork. Also - please teach me how to adjust my focal points.

I will now sing "oh 50mm, oh 50mm, you make jess and I so so happyeeee!"