Monday, March 05, 2012

Hello March.

Well that two weeks flew by. Amazed it's already March. 

Last week I had the flu of death. Legitimately thought I was going to die at one point. Have been super busy the rest of the time. Feeling better now! 

Here are a couple random favorite shots of the last few weeks. Because I'm much better with pictures than I am with words. :)

Testing out some new backdrops with a new vintage camera for my collection. 

Amazing skys lately thanks to the bipolar midwest winter we've had. 

I let some balloons from a shoot go. It was incredibly windy that day and they were gone in seconds. 

I am one of the few who have been really upset that we haven't had a real winter this season. I love me some snow. We did get quite a bit last night though and it was so pretty this morning. But once again the sun melted it by days end. Such a strange winter!

The past few days, however,  I have been feeling ready for Spring. Green grass, parks, warmth. Even craving a hot summer night with a glass of wine on the back porch, a late night swim and a bonfire. Ya feel me? 

1 comment:

Jordan said...

I feel you! I want glass of wine with YOU! Yes? And let's you house sit for that same one again! ;). Ps - LOVE balloon photo!!!!