Thursday, April 12, 2012

What I wore.

Since the weather has been seriously bipolar lately, so has my wardrobe. This week it's decided to be winter for a few days, now it's warming up slightly. WHATEVER. I have been working a lot and not dressing very cute or not taking pictures of it? Probably a little of both.

This was a few weeks ago when I went out to dinner with my bf. 

Jeans - Jcrew
Blazer- Jcrew
Necklace- Jcrew
Green Blouse Tank Thing - Old Navy
Shoes - Banana Republic

Something I noticed while looking at these photos…

My bangs and hair are getting incredibly long. To trim the bangs for the summer or not? Also really light!? I haven't dyed my hair in over a year so this is my natural color i guess. It looks lighter is some pics and darker in others. 

Weather, please warm up and be awesome again. I beg of you. 

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