Sunday, September 02, 2012


If I even think about writing a blog lately I get stressed. I blinked and August was over. It was jam packed and full of work, travel, fun. Maybe TOO much of all of those. oy 

Today I focused on relaxing, organizing, creating, and watching some trash tv. All things necessary for me to keep my sanity. Something that may be slowly slipping away. I feel much better after today though. The word relax is like Japanese to me. I really just have a hard time with it. I am always doing something and I forget how important it is. But organizing and creating are two things that calm me down in a snap. 

As you may know I have an obsession with estate sales and vintage things. Well I collect these frames. I don't even know what to call them but I love them. They will go in my future apartment and recently I decided to spray paint them. Today I decided to finish them. Mainly because it was something creative to do and partly because I like to day dream about the day I have my own apartment again. And then I ran out of paint.  I don't talk about the fact that I still live with my parents much because I know people judge me for living at home and almost being 30. But the confidence I've gained in the past year has helped me be ok with that and want to talk about it and I'm ready to say…. I WANT TO MOVE OUT SO BAD. Like tomorrow. I miss having my own space so much. To clean and decorate and live in and sit in my undies and drink wine and watch SATC all alone and do cartwheels. Ugh.  

There…. I feel much better. 

So these frames. I search them out at estate sales and you better watch out if I find one. Its mine. They have this great texture…

I also decided hanging them in the trees made for much easier painting and drying on all sides. I was getting impatient. ;)

Maybe I will win the lottery so I can continue to grow my business and move out next week. ;) 
Don't get me wrong, I am extremely happy. I would just be even more happy if it started raining money tomorrow. 

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